B.T.T. Beer Tuscany Trails


Know the places, near or far, not worth it, It's just theory;
know where the beer is best tapped, it's real practice, is geography.
J. W. Goethe


WELCOME to the B.T.T. -Beer Tuscany Trails, a project born from the collaboration between the Birrificio Valdarno Superiore (BVS), An artisan company that produces beers inspired by its territory, Serriola Beer, A line of craft beers designed for those who love the world of 2 wheels, and the Eroici in Moto.

Birra Serriola is Passion and Life: We want to accompany you to discover where and how it is developed – guaranteed that reaching these places on your motorcycle is a unique experience!

The main ingredients to produce beer are WATER, MALT AND HOPS, and the B.T.T. will take you, Riding your motorcycles, to touch these raw materials, and in particular

  • THE MALTO we will visit the Malt House where it is produced, the spring and winter barley fields of Mugello,
  • THE TUSCAN HOP GROVE, where the native hops are cared for on the hills of Valdarno.

All these elements are "assembled" in the BVS Brewery by the Master Brewer 'BAFALO' to obtain the RECIPES of Serriola Beers.

A long ride from Valdarno to Mugello awaits you, from the Classico hianti to the Apennine mountains of Casentino, a succession of curves, landscapes and meetings with artisans, Farmers, Brewers, Innkeepers and motorcyclists!

This proposal is based on 3 Days and is reserved for small groups, MotoClub, friends, for a maximum of 12 Bikers
For information and reservations contact Stefano <info@birraserriola.com> +39 3473304888

DAY 1 (Friday – afternoon)

Reception, Tasting dinner and briefing

DAY 2 (Saturday)

visit to the brewery

By motorbike towards the Consuma Pass

visit to the Malt Shop

Tasting lunch

by motorbike downhill on Pratomagno

tasting dinner

DAY 3 (Sunday- morning)

Motorbike route with visit to the hop grove – final tasting

The participation fee is equal to Euro 350,00 per person, and includes:

  • 2 overnight stays in hotels (Double room)
  • 2 Tasting dinners
  • all visits, Tastings, The activities included in the program
  • an expert escort

Possibility of customizing every aspect of this proposal according to specific needs; For information and reservations contact Stefano <info@birraserriola.com> +39 3473304888