Tuscany without crono

GRAZIE alle eroiche Nadia e Martine, “Dust&Gloria” fa perdere la testa anche alla Francia! 🙂

Un favoloso reportage sulla edizione 2022 pubblicato dalla rivista transalpinaRoad Triptestimonia l’esplosione di colori ed emozioni che abbiamo il privilegio di celebrare ogni anno sulle strade dell’Eroica in Motoclikkate qui per scaricare l’intero servizio.


HEROIC: selection of rare humanity

I have my social media wall invaded by promotions of events of “adventouring” who seem to be caught up in the recruitment claims for Marines: “enter the myth“, “off-road male“, “only for real warriors“, and so on – considering that these are pleasant weekends with hospitality in 4 stars, aimed at distinguished gentlemen riding motorcycles 2 quintals and 20.000 and pass euri to the price list, all accessories excluded.

And then I hold my own even more dear “Heroic“, people “phenomena-free”, that with the piper who wants to get out of his own “comfort-zone”, you really want to dive! taking the opportunity in our meetings to voluptuously enjoy all the pleasures of life on two wheels: nature, the joy, friendship, tranquility …

The thought leads me to a splendid synthetic definition written by Brocci, the “father of the Eroica”: “selection of rare humanity” – 3 Words, bastano e avanzano per ritagliare nel caos della vita moderna un giardino di delizie aperto a tutti quelli che ne condividono gli ideali e lo stile.

And, per piacevolissima coazione mentale, cominciano a sfilarmi mentalmente in rassegna i sorrisi di tutte le favolose persone che ho avuto il privilegio di conoscere in questi 10 eroici anni, , a partire da quella chequando ancoraL’Eroica in Motoera un progetto appena uscito dal cassetto, mi scrisse: “IO CI SONO”!

Ed è stato di parola, anno dopo anno, al punto che ogni volta che, appena aperte le iscrizioni di una nuova edizione, mi arriva la sua scheda, gli ripeto che sono in dubbio se fargli avere un foglio di via da Gaiole o la cittadinanza onoraria 🙂

Un ABBRACCIO a tutte e a tutti voi, GRAZIE di esistere!

DUST and GLORY – the specialists of the white roads of Tuscany


Welcome to “Dust&Gloria” – the specialists of the white roads of Tuscany!

Those who already know us know it - and I hope you will soon find out too!- how much we are in love with Tuscany, and in particular of that extraordinary Tuscany, off the beaten track, that you can reveal yourself at its best through its exceptional network of dirt roads, an authentic space-time gap that immerses us in a nature and culture that are universal paradigms of beauty and goodness!

And we inhabit them, those dirt roads and that tuscany, 365 days a year, from sunrise to sunset, and sometimes under the light of the stars, why every season, every hour, he paints them in a different and fabulous light – and if there is a way to enjoy it even more, is to live it together with our guests, to make it discover to those who want to know it in its most intimate wonder.

It is no coincidence that this Region is the home of cultural tourism in nature, considering the formidable richness and accessibility of its environmental heritage, historical, material and landscape, extraordinarily widespread in every corner even more remote and secret. And we are proud to have invented in particular the formula of “kind off-road vehicle“: a culture of escaping from the beaten track, and enjoy an immersive 360 ° experience in full harmony with the natural and human context in which we are immersed – whatever media you have chosen: car or motorbike, modern or vintage, rather than the bike, traditional or electric, or on foot on long paths surprising; each of them offers specific and peculiar emotions, that we will invite you to taste. And speaking of tasting, Essential in our experiences are the stops to discover the excellent fruits of the encounter between such a generous environment and a peasant culture that puts the taste of the good and healthy at the center of its quality of life.

Our headquarters are located, indeed our heart beats in Gaiole, Of course in Gaiole: the “Country of the heroic“, the extraordinary invention of Giancarlo Brocci, a worldwide cycling movement from which it then budmato is the phenomenon of “Heroic in motion” that the “Paradise in Chianti“, yours and our meeting point and reference point for experiences that we promise unforgettable!

We invite you to explore our rich calendar of activities, tour, Events and courses, by car, bike, bike, Ebike, on foot, really for all tastes, or to visit us in person at the “Paradise in Chianti” – c’è sempre una bottiglia di buon rosso ad aspettarvi!

And, finally, perchè ci chiamiamo “Dust&Gloria”? Vi darete risposta voi stessi, al traguardo della prima giornata insieme! 😉

INFO line: +39 393.46.90.651, Andrea

Lucky 2021!

the words of the past year
belong to the language of the past year
and the words of the year to come await another voice
T. And. Eliot


Dear friends, dear heroic friends on motorcycles,

I am not ashamed to confess to you that you arrive devoid of any vital energy to this end 2020; never would I have imagined that our meetings on the road, our wonderful friendships, the emotions shared on our beloved roads were such an essential nourishment to the body and soul …

Unfortunately, the daily news of the health emergency continues to oscillate between the dramatic and the uncertain, so it is frankly impossible to schedule meetings in the coming months with the necessary requirements of seriousness, serenity and safety for all.

The 2020 leaves me speechless; we hope together with the poet that the coming year will bring a new, Beautiful, cheerful voice, with which we hope to exchange our fraternal sentiments on the occasion of our great annual meeting in Gaiole for the tenth edition of Dust&Gloria, from 21 at 23 may – fingers crossed that it really is a feast of rebirth for all!

I embrace you and send you the best WISHES of a HEROIC LUCKY 2021,


Dust&Gloria 2020: the decalogue of the perfect Heroic

Heroic Car,

to you 10 golden rules for impeccable participation in “Dust&Gloria” 2020:

1) Heroic 10 praise: print-read-fill-carry with you the materials you will receive with the Monday's NewsLetter 31 August;
2) Heroic Fight-Club: never forget rule No.1;
3) Heroic in SECURITY: within the event spaces always applies the health safety protocol, for your and everyone else's health: mask/space/sanitation/pectoral worn;
3) Heroic always up to date: sign up for the Telegram channel dedicated to the event to receive all the latest info in real time (Telegram is a great free messaging service, if you haven't yet I'll heartily advise you to download it);
4) Hungry Heroic: menus of dinners “Dust&Gloria” are strictly based on Tuscan cuisine specialties – those who had specific dietary needs communicate it today!
5) Heroic right: in the sense of the lane! All roads on the route are of ordinary circulation, open to traffic – strictly comply with all the rules of the Highway Code!
6) Heroic of Romagna&Around: the preview with beer and delivery of the material is summoned Wednesday 2 September from 21,00 at the “Bar Company, New” Luigi Galvani Street 31 – Faenzawho comes alerting me, so I carry his envelope!;
7) Heroic warned …: Heroic is a meditation path; the sudden rediscovery of ancient emotions can cause a psychological shock in hasty subjects, Stressed, distracted taste, lazy spirits, fast-travel enthusiasts …
8) Heroic gentleman: The Heroic in Motorcycle is gentle off-road;
9) Heroic in track: how the Poet sings: on the streets of the Heroic you don't miss a single child
10) Heroic say yours!



Dust Security Plan&Gloria 2020

Integrating safety with fun has always been our top priority; up to this “Crazy” 2020 mainly referred to cautions on the road, now we've added other equally crucial ones when we get off the saddle.

Since the lock-down weeks, we worked in concert with the relevant authorities to identify how to carry out our beloved annual party “on the roads of the heroic in motion” as fully as possible protection for all, participants and guests Gaiolesi; permissions were finally granted to us, despite the continuing health alert, in view of the credit of trust and esteem accumulated in these years – we trust in the total collaboration of all the Heroics to further strengthen these bonds of deep friendship!

Below in detail all the rules and measures to follow scrupulously.


in the days immediately before the start of the meeting:

  • all participants, registered email contact details, will be sent:1) copy of the event detail program with a detailed description of general procedures and individual behaviors specifically intended to protect health;2) "Covid" self-certification copy according to the model prepared by ENDAS to be delivered compiled and countersigned to the "access to the Triage area";
  • all participants will be invited to take part - with the possibility of intervening- an online meeting in which all of the above measures will be described in detail by the Organization.


(Friday 4 September from the hours 15,00 At 20,00)

At the "reception" phase, expected on Friday 4 September from the hours 15,00 At 20,00, the "public parking" area of Via Buonarroti will be dedicated;

throughout the area will be mandatory the use of the mask and the respect of the social distance;

accesses to the area, separates for vehicles and pedestrians, specific signage in Italian and English will be posted to communicate the obligation to use the mask and respect for the social distance, as well as a special "QR Code" linked to the detailed description of general procedures and individual behaviors specifically provided for health protection;

Organization operators will guard the entrances and monitor compliance with the measures above;

the overall area will be divided into two functional macro-spaces, one dedicated to parking vehicles, and the other dedicated to the actual reception activities of the participants;

this second space will be divided into two compartments:

  • the first space dedicated to "Triage", with access managed by operators of the Organization after the withdrawal of the self-certification "Covid" duly filled out and measurement of body temperature,
  • a second space, with access managed by operators of the Organization after sanitization of the hands, dedicated to the final registration of participants and delivery in simplified/speeded way of the envelope with the materials of the event.

All input/exit flows, vehicles and pedestrians, are distinct.



(Friday 4 and Saturday 5 September from the hours 20,30)

In case of favourable weather, A single outdoor dining space will be set up inside the sports field, with two entry points (I_1, pectorals from 1 in 100, and I_2, pectorals from 2000 in 2200) with its check-point (temperature measurement and hand sanitization) and an exit point (U_1); Green dashing defines the space in which the tables will be set up.

Within the area in addition to the obligation to wear the mask and to respect the space, those present will have to wear the bib with its participation number for an immediate recognition.

Tables will be set up for small groups (6/8 covered each table), and diners will be required to keep the same place for both of the same.

In case of unfavorable weather, two dinner spaces will be set up, sports field service environments, respectively (calculated maximum capacity with spaced persons 120) and in the halls of the Philharmonic (calculated maximum capacity with spaced persons 180), always with the same distinct inbound and outbound flows, check-points (with temperature measurement and sanitization of the hands) at the entrance, mask obligations, space and recognition, tables for small groups with a fixed seat obligation.


(Saturday 5 September from the hours 08,00 At 10,30)

The start of the motorcycle will take place on Saturday morning 5 September from the hours 08,00 At 10,30 on a section of the Provincial Road "408 of Montevarchi" that will be closed to traffic from the intersection with Via Spaltenna to the north at the intersection with Via Galileo Galilei in the south, and in particular the first section from the intersection with Via Spaltenna to the square of the "Black Rooster" will be allowed to circulate the frontists, while the second section will be reserved for the stop of the participants on motorcycles waiting for their starting round, which will happen anyway with fast-paced modes that do not create any crowding; and in any case both the access and exit points and the intermediate spaces will be managed by the operators of the Organization.



(Saturday 5 September from the hours 17,00 At 20,00)

The space used for the arrival of the motorcycle will be the same dedicated to the start; The blue area will be available as a closed park for motorcycle parking until 24,00 of the same day, and here will be the awards of the participants.

INFO LINE ALWAYS ON: +39 393.46.90.651


Tell us about your Heroic!

After the tremendous interest you have shown at the presentation of the project “Eroica On Life“, we gassed even more and --waiting to meet virtually on the path of “Dust&Gloria“- we launch this contest that you are all warmly invited to participate in: it's as nice and as easy as drinking a glass of good Chianti; follow the directions of the video,

and then send your (preferably via WeTransfer) at the usual e-mail address: <info@eroiciinmoto.it>; , you can win a cool and exclusive limited edition T-shirt, from true #SUPERHEROES!

See you soon, On (and OFF!) the road!!

Ready to (Re)Leave?!

"In hard times we must have hard dreams, real dreams,
those who, if we're going to get busy, will come true"

Heroic Car in Moto,

who could have imagined that this "Dust&Gloria " 2020 was destined to become an extra-ordinary edition, from true #SUPERHEROES?!

And here we are, to go through the most terrible storm of our time; and right in the most furious heart of the hurricane are gone not only the fundamental values of existence, health and work, but also the dimensions of travel and conviviality - those in which we live the most happy hours of our free time.

Stop, Only, for weeks, we've been able to define even more clearly what's important to us. We don't do."motorcycle rides"; we are a great nomadic tribe that comes to the most pleasant places in the world, to respectfully celebrate the pleasures of life, from the wonders of Nature to the allure of solitary contemplation to the joy of sharing with beautiful old and new friends; to the face of virtual networks, we constitute a traveling plot of feelings that embraces all the protagonists, from the communities that host us and with which we end up making precious twinnings to all partners and suppliers who contribute to making our meetings even richer.

This affectionate net has certainly not loosened with the "lockdown", and indeed it was precious in crossing the storm together, and he's already working to rebuild the good weather: among other things, we motorcyclists start with an advantage, because "social space" is in our DNA - except when it is to be squeezed around a sumptuously packed table-, and why we didn't need a virus to find out how vulnerable life is, and how important it is to enjoy it while always balancing safety and fun!

Of course we had to erase -- even with tears in our eyes- some meetings scheduled, sending them directly back to the 2021: starting with "the Good, the ugly, the Biker", and soon we'll have to resign ourselves to making the same decision for all trips abroad, Come on Balkans To Mongolia.

But at the same time we have fixed our "Piave line" between two events:
– the "Romagna Trophy", sent off by crossing his fingers to the 19/21 June; we wanted to celebrate the spring solstice, we'll celebrate the summer!
– and of course the most classic of our appointments, "Dust&Gloria", postponed in September 4 at 6.

"Dust&Gloria” 2020 it will be an act of courage and hope, a bit like the Giro d'Italia of '46, gone to the wind through the rubble of a country torn apart by a tremendous war: at the moment no one can even remotely imagine what the rules and conditions will be in September for the events, and therefore the content and operating methods of our event: those who decide not to give up, however, will have to do so animated by an indomitable spirit, with flexibility compared to some inevitable renunciations and great willingness to contribute to the best functioning of the entire organizational apparatus.
In short, a "Dust&Gloria" not from heroes, but as real #SUPERHEROES!!

As an organization, we can guarantee that we're certainly not there to "comb the bikes": waiting to see us in person, we invented the "Heroic on Life", to which I go back to inviting everyone, and we do not stop for a moment to imagine scenarios in which to realize our beloved appointment by reconciling to the maximum the desire to be together with the necessary measures of health protection.

To whom, for a variety of reasons, will not be able to participate in the new dates, we have made available the widest choice of options, Shown Here; I hope they are reasonably satisfied, and that we'll soon have another good chance to meet with him on (and OFF!) the road!

To all a warm LAMPeggio greeting, Andrea

Eroica On Life

Eroica On Life

You've seen the contest “Tell us about your Heroic“?
And’ simple and fun, and you can win a cool jersey!

THANK YOU from the heart to the thousand Heroics in Motorcycles who participated last night (Monday, 4 may) at the FB live presentation of our new project “Eroica On Life” …

and in particular to Nadia, the director, who has masterfully directed us from “behind the scenes”!

As the rest of the world prepares to transit “Step 2”, our little world of motorcycle passion remains at anchor, in a limbo I would call “Phase 1 and a half”: very strict limits on personal mobility remain in place for the sake of pleasure, while all hospitality infrastructure (from restaurants to hotels) remain closed …

But our passion for motorcycles and travel, freedom and joy, that one is really incurable!

So let's not stop for a moment to enjoy life in its fullness, consistent with changing needs to protect collective health; we motorcyclists know how much human life is always extremely vulnerable, and how carefully you need to mix gas and brake, fun and safety.

In this very uncertain and unstable picture, to enjoy the maximum possible conviviality by combining virtuality and reality until #TORNEREMOadABBRACCIARCI, we've come up with the “Eroica On Life”, we'll tell you with this funny video:

Intermediate stages of a hoped-for return to full normality, one of our own “Piave line” after the Caporetto of so many appointments necessarily already canceled from the beginning of the emergency until late summer (“the Good, the ugly, the Biker”, and soon we'll have to resign ourselves to making the same decision for all trips abroad, Balkans to Mongolia), we set it between two events:

– the “Romagna Trophy“, that at this point we try to trim the 19/21 June; we wanted to celebrate the spring solstice, we'll celebrate the summer!

– and of course the most classic of our appointments, “Dust&Gloria“, so we're waiting for the prefecture to give us the new date in September.

Let's stay in touch, even at a distance!


Dust&Gloria 2019 on ENDURO at newsstands!

On newsstands these days in the July issue of the magazine “Enduro rider” a beautiful report on the edition “Dust&Gloria” 2019, sympathetically renamed “mud&Gloria”!

A special acclaim to a passage that perfectly captures the spirit of our event: “philosophy is immediately clear from the first moment you reach Gaiole: soft-enduro, Breathtaking landscapes and lots of friends …“.

THANK YOU from the heart to the author Thomas Brazzova and to the entire Endurista editorial team; I invite you to browse the article with me, and then run for a copy (among other things there are several other very interesting services)