ULTIMI POSTI entro il 15/09/2024
The participation fee of Euro 210,00 (Euro 180,00 for the passenger, solo percorso stradale, salvo casi speciali 🙂 ) includes:
1. all material of the event (stickers, gadgets, informative material, etc.)
2. an aperitif at the reception on Friday afternoons,
3. the dinners on Friday and Saturday nights,
4. tastings and all the animation activities along the Saturday route,
5. the toast of sunday,
6. the Travel-Book and the .gpx tracks of all the scheduled routes,
7. a contribution to general expenses of organization.
For others who do not come from a distance, la quota di partecipazione di Euro 95,00 (Euro 80,00 for the passenger, solo percorso stradale, salvo casi speciali :-)) includes :
1. all material of the event (stickers, gadgets, informative material, etc.)
2. Saturday morning breakfast,
3. tastings and all the animation activities along the Saturday route,
4. the Travel-Book and the .gpx tracks of all the scheduled routes,
5. a contribution to general expenses of organization.
Registrations will close on 10 september 2024, or in advance of reaching the maximum number of participants; per iscrizioni che arrivassero oltre tale data, può essere previsto un sovrapprezzo di euro 20,00 to participant.
Below is a detailed road book of the sign up process:
Stage 1
proceed to fill in this online application form;
Stage 2
within 24/48 hours, verified the correctness of all documentation, We will communicate the bank details to pay the registration fee; upon receipt of the credit you will receive a confirmation email, But if you have any doubt do not scruple to contact us!!
The registration fee, in case of non-participation, is non-refundable, but is transferable (NET membership to Tamoè ASD) Another participant is not yet a Member, via communication to within hours 12,00 by Wednesday, 11 september.
Participation in the event is reserved to associated with Tamoè "ASD" or other companies of the circuit "ENDAS", and implies the full acceptance of its rules.
LAMPSSSsssssssssss from everyone!