The Petit Dakar

Marrakech, 31 December 2024 – 7 January 2025


WELCOME to “The Petit Dakar”, A journey that – between adventure and solidarity- wants to make available to everyone that experience of joy and magic that characterized the first mythical “Dakar”, those True, African, before the mass advent of sponsors and media circus that have turned it upside down …

The spirit is that pioneering and Bohemian, as well as the destination, that part of Morocco that has still largely escaped the trivialization of progress and mass tourism.

The tour is open to both 2 and to 4 wheels, with the possibility of on-site rental (some seats available on the Organization's jeeps); The route will be practicable with any kind of vehicle, with the possibility of some stages on the track for the all-terrain vehicles.

Appointment on 31/12 in Marrakech for an unforgettable New Year's Eve dinner, and then departure on the morning of the first day of the year from Jemaa el-Fnaa Square in the direction of the Tizi'n Test pass, a masterpiece of engineering built in the 20s by the French Genius that still leaves you amazed today, for the beauty and courage of the road that by dint of hairpin bends carved into the rock of desert mountains reaches over 2.000 meters of altitude, among mountain landscapes, verdant valleys and traditional Berber villages. This area, already very remote and wild, was hit about a year ago by a deadly earthquake: with our friends from “Children in the wilderness” We will bring a message of friendship and concrete help.

And then a fixed compass to the South, towards that region squeezed between the Atlas chain and the Sahara whose names alone make one dream: Trafaoute, Icht, Nanny, Akka, immersed in an arid and rocky landscape, with outcrops of pink granite, deep gorges and verdant oases that suddenly sprout like mirages. The return cuts westwards, on tracks that have now become legendary, Merzouga and Zagora lean on fabulous impeccable chains of two, and then north bypassing the more famous Tizi'n Tichka, for the return to Marrakech for the afternoon of 7 January (Just in time, for those who participate on their own means, to take the Tangier-Genoa on the 8th evening …).

The detailed program, The procedures and participation fees will be published at the end of September, upon returning from the final inspection of the mission “Echoes of Atlas“.

For INFO: Andrea 393.46.90.651